En jagad man
© Dominic Kelly

The Trickster

  • Fabula Storytelling
  • 60 minuter
  • Från årskurs 4 till gymnasiet
  • Litteratur och berättande
  • Teater

Erbjuds från  till 

15th July 1910 John Henry Williams walks out of school. His classmates, teachers, and the local doctor have already fallen foul of his trickery.

Ahead are fun, fortune and a hundred more serious ruses to try. Little does he know he’ll soon be hunted as the most wanted man in the country.

Harbouring deviously disguised global trickster tales and real-life story, storyteller Dominic Kelly embarks on an audacious tale of trickery and deceit - a tale where truth and hearsay, history, folktale and myth flicker like shadows in sunshine. Come journey on a trickster’s side of the road.

Dominic Kelly is an English performance storyteller with a dynamic and engaging style that has captivated audiences in hundreds of schools, theatres and festivals around the world. Appearances include London’s Barbican and National Theatre, and international festivals from Wales and Ireland to Stockholm and Delhi. He has helped countless young people tell stories through community and education projects. He now works with Fabula to provide English language storytelling performances and workshops in Sweden.

Pris och praktisk information

Pris per aktivitet:
4 500 kr med Kulanpremien
Ordinarie pris 9 000 kr
Moms kan tillkomma
Max antal barn/elever:
80 st
Lokalen behöver inte mörkläggas.

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